Valentin Pizarro Gomez

Valentin Pizarro Gomez

Club-related results

This page displays the referee's record by club. It lists the results each club achieved with this referee, and how many cards and penalties were awarded to it and its opponents.

Balance as ...
Results since:
Clubs from:
Balance in matches of:
for club
wappenClub WDL    
CF Badalona5000
CF Villanovense10000
FC Cartagena7112
AD Ceuta FC7100
Real Sociedad B11010
UD Vecindario (- 2015)5002
CD Guijuelo10020
Marbella FC9020
Alicante CF (- 2014)8000
UE Sant Andreu6001
Universidad de Las Palmas (- 2011)7010
Lucena CF (- 2016)11011
UB Conquense5011
Atlético Sanluqueño9100
Recreativo Huelva6000
Valencia Mestalla3000
Caravaca CF (- 2012)7101
CE L'Hospitalet1001
CE Sabadell FC4000
CP Cacereño9101
RC Deportivo Fabril7000
UD Pájara Playas de Jandía (- 2011)7010
Sestao River4002
CD Puertollano (- 2015)9200
Benidorm CF (-2011)4010

Finals refereed by {name}

RCD Mallorca Deportivo de La Coruña